Currently serving as the civic association president of the Carver Community. Will service as president it was Jerome’s vision to enhance the fact that Carver is a great place to live and visit. Jerome likes to consider his overall position in the City as “The Community Project Guy.” Jerome has a new passion which has led him to become the president of Moore Street School Foundation.
As a resident of The Carver Community, Jerome was made aware of Moore Street School and efforts to develop the building into something that would be a useful entity to the Carver Community. There have been several attempts. As the president of Carver Area Civic Improvement League, it became apparent that Moore Street School is a Community landmark. "The Carver Community is historically a working class neighborhood with a strong African-American experience which is reaching its sunset. It is important to save the landmarks that tell of the African-American experience in The Carver Community. Moore Street School is such a landmark."